yogic breathing challenge

Yogic Breathing Challenge

Conquer your Breath, Conquer your Life

Have you ever wondered about the mysterious power behind the Prana & Breath?
Are you interested in powerful breathwork? Do you want to heal the whole & take your yoga practice to the next level?

The aim of the yogic breathing challenge is to improve your Prana knowledge, expand your Prana and simultaneously work on many layers of Yoga to strengthen your confidence and solidify your inner voice.

This yogic breathing will focus on the effects of Pranayama on your physical, mental and emotional levels. You will also learn the different techniques of breathing along with their benefits.

It is very easy to be trained and practice yoga posture, follow a diet plan or exercise regime, however very few actually learn and train in Prana science, which is a vital life force. Pranayama is one of Yoga’s most powerful practices, which is ideal to awaken your mind and boost your energy.


A growing number of studies show that breathing techniques are effective against anxiety and insomnia.

Yoga Retreat

These techniques influence both physiological factors (by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system) and psychological factors (by diverting attention from thoughts).

Yoga Retreat

Because these techniques are safe and easy to use, scientific validation might result in their being more frequently recommended and practiced.

Yoga Retreat

Fact About Breath & Prana

Fact About Breath & Prana

  • Pranayama generates static electricity in the body in very minute quantities and there is a feeling of improved energy and dynamism.
  • The stomach, pancreas, kidney, liver and bowels are all exercised in pranayama through the massage given to them by the diaphragm and abdominal muscles.
  • Diaphragmatic breathing massages the Vagus Nerve and reduces heart rate, lowers blood pressure, and reduces stress.
  • If the lungs were open flat, they would cover the entire size of a tennis court!
  • The regular practice of Pranayama minimizes the stress put on the cardiac system by day to day life. Breathing with slow, deep and long breaths gives rest to the heart. Many heart conditions can be managed with regular practice pranayama.
  • The lungs are the biggest waste removal engine in the body, accounting for the removal of 70% of body wasting the form of Co2 (carbon dioxide) in the air we exhale.
  • Severe respiratory conditions like asthma can be successfully managed by increasing O2 levels in the blood.
  • Pranayama can help in improve digestion, reduce insomnia, lower stress, anxiety, and overwhelm.
  • Breathing can change your blood PH (acid/alkaline) in minutes. No food, exercise or medication acts as quickly.

The lungs are directly concerned with the disposal of carbon dioxide in the venous blood and preventing ammonia, ketones and aromatic amines from building up to toxic levels. The lungs need to be kept clean and free from bacterial diseases by an efficient circulation of blood and lymph. Pranayama helps here by keeping the lungs pure and by increasing the flow of fresh blood .

The purpose of pranayama is to make the respiratory system function at its best. This automatically improves the circulatory system, without which the process of digestion and elimination would suffer. Toxins would accumulate, diseases spread through the body and ill-health become habitual.

The rhythmic use of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles in prnayama directly stimulates the peristaltic and segmenting movements of the intestines, as well as promoting intestinal circulation. Thus, it helps the intestine in its functions of absorbing food materials and disposing of solid wastes, mainly unabsorbed food and (he products of our friendly bacteria, the colonic flora, as well as those containing the residue of secretions from the liver (bile), pancreas and intestines.

As wind drives away smoke and impurities from the atmosphere and its inherent quality is to burn and purify the area, pranayama is a divine fire which cleanses the organs, senses, mind, intellect and ego.

Yoga Retreat

What will you achieve?

  • The systematic science of Breath Ratio to enhance the power of your mind, body, and conscience
  • Breath Retention and Breath Control
  • Fundamentals of Breath and Movement in Yoga
  • Unique methods of Breath Modification
  • Positive effects of the Asanas on breathing and vice versa
  • The overall impact on the system
  • Healing through Pranayama
  • Energy Management
  • Vital Force expansion

How does this help you?

  • This workshop will not only teach you the nuances of Breathing techniques in Yoga but also help you feel fresh and rejuvenated throughout
  • Regular practice of these techniques is bound to make you feel younger, energetic and healthier by the day
  • Helps to balance emotions and mood swings
  • Sharpens minds and elevates the concentration
  • Energizes and contributes to the well-being of the body and calming the mind
  • Integrates Pranayama with Yoga, thus strengthening your Yoga practice
  • Balance the Feminine and Masculine energy
  • Reduce stress and increase the energy level in body and mind.

What will you learn and practice?

1. Introduction to Pranayama and its utility – Sumit Manav

2. What is Prana – Sumit Manav

3. Do’s and Don’ts in Pranayama – Sumit Manav

4. Nadis or Energy Channels

5. Types of Pranayama & How To Practice

6. Yogic Physiology of Nostril

7. 12+ Pranayama is Practice

8. What is Swara? Tantric Science of Brain Breathing

9. Panch Prana or 5-Energy Types

10. Therapeutic aspects of Pranayama – Sumit Manav

11. Problem in Pranayama technique of dilution

12. Open session of Q & A – Sumit Manav

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About Sumit Manav (Founder Lifestle Yoga & Manav Yoga)

     A celebrated Yoga personality, acknowledged as one of the top 10 Yoga teachers from India. His revolutionary fitness techniques have been well acclaimed by both regional and international media. By understanding modern lifestyles, he has successfully created a fusion of ancient Yoga practices to cure many vexing lifestyle ailments through his brand Lifestyle Yoga.

Sumit’s journey began from the North Indian town of Baghpat in Uttar Pradesh and took him to the Himalayas, home of pure yoga, where he discovered Yoga as a way to human consciousness and overall well-being. Sumit began practising Yoga in 1998 at the age of 18 under the guidance of his Guru Shreeram Sharma Acharya in the Himalayas.



  • Live Online Course | April 16th to 29th, 2022


  • Learn to master your energy through pranayama
  • Healing the self
  • Improve the Lungs Capacity
  • Deep relaxation & Stress relief
  • Balance the Right & Left Brain
  • Reconnect with your self


  • 20-minutes per day x 14 days
  • Daily live session  (or replay) classes
  • Answers to all your questions
  • Amazing, supportive community
  • Guaranteed results


  • Daily live video session
  • Daily live Q&A with Sumit Manav
  • Access to full course (for 60-Days)


  • Smartphone or tablet
  • Laptop or connect with your tv
  • 20-minutes Per Day
  • Yoga mat & a good ambience
  • Music (You can choose by yourself)
  • GBP39


    • Full Breathing Challenge
    • 20-minutes per day x 14 days
    • Live Streaming + Recorded Session
    • BONUS! Yin Yoga & Chakra Awakening 5-Day Challenge Access
    • DISCOUNT! 10% Discount on upcoming Prana Teacher Training Course


Sumit Manav's private yoga sessions are an absolute game-changer. His mastery of yoga, combined with his ability to create a safe and nurturing environment, has helped me unlock my full potential. The customized sequences he designs have not only strengthened my body but also calmed my mind, allowing me to approach life with a newfound sense of clarity and purpose. I wholeheartedly endorse Sumit Manav for his exceptional private yoga sessions."


Sumit Manav is a true guru of yoga. His private sessions have had a profound impact on my well-being. Through his expert guidance, I have discovered a newfound sense of peace, resilience, and joy. Sumit's personalized approach and attention to detail have allowed me to transcend my limitations and reach new heights in my yoga practice. I highly recommend his private yoga sessions to those seeking a transformational journey."


Sumit Manav's private yoga sessions have been a transformative experience for me. His deep understanding of yoga philosophy and his ability to tailor each session to my specific needs have allowed me to tap into a level of physical and mental strength I never knew I had. Sumit's teachings have been invaluable in helping me find balance in my personal and professional life. I wholeheartedly endorse his private yoga sessions for anyone seeking extraordinary results."

Harry Haberman

I've had the privilege of practicing yoga with Sumit Manav, and I can confidently say that his private sessions are unparalleled. His ability to blend traditional yoga techniques with modern practices is truly remarkable. Through his guidance, I have experienced increased mindfulness, improved clarity, and a heightened sense of well-being. Sumit's private yoga sessions are a must for anyone looking to embark on a transformative journey."

"Sumit Manav is a true master of yoga. His private sessions have not only enhanced my physical strength and flexibility but have also deeply connected me with my inner self. His holistic approach to yoga and meditation has been a game-changer for me, helping me navigate the stresses of a high-profile career. I am grateful for Sumit's guidance and highly recommend his private yoga sessions to anyone seeking profound transformation."


Sumit Manav's private yoga sessions have become an essential part of my wellness routine. His expertise in yoga, combined with his calming presence, has helped me achieve a level of strength and flexibility I never thought possible. The customized sequences he creates specifically tailored to my needs have greatly improved my overall health and vitality. If you are looking to elevate your yoga practice, I wholeheartedly endorse Sumit Manav."

Bharti Gandhi

Friendly, dedicated, and down to earth team. Highly motivational and committed to sharing the gift of yoga with us! Thank you for inspiring us and keeping us positive and energetic always! Namaste🙏😇


They are dedicated and profound. Their yoga classes are specifically designed and each class has benefits for different purpose yet all classes complement each class. Initially I was doing only Hatha and Yin yoga. With online classes I experienced all types of classes and I realised that all classes meant to be practised equally. The founder and teachers are just amazing and I am grateful for every class that I practise. Most importantly they maintain the quality of classes. So you can trust them to go for a long term practice.

Sonia Manek

One of the best and most authentic yoga classes that I have experienced. Sumit and the rest of the team master in the various forms and will explain the benefits of each posture as you go along the class. Highly recommended and definitely worth a try.

Katrina Dawson

The best Yoga school and practice! Flexible, variety of yoga classes, highly qualified & lovely teachers, great yoga retreats. I always feel great after a session!!


I really enjoyed the classes. The trainers were very professional. Lifestyle yoga different from those classes i have attended before. They are making sure you actually do Yoga

Nathalie Atallah

Excellent classes!! Sumit and the team always keep it interesting and fun with diversity in their yoga offerings--always enough to keep the burn going and have us coming back for more--thanks, Lifestyle Yoga!!


Have been with Lifestyle Yoga since their inception and have known Sumit for much longer. Experts yogis with amazing knowledge and infectious energy. Congratulations on your 9th birthday. Keep growing and spreading the love.

Book Your Spot Now!

This well designed workshop will help you achieve the harmony & balance you’ve always aspired for. Register Now!

    For bookings or any info, please Whatsapp or call on 07379054424

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